The Beautiful and Ever-Present God – My Experience Serving at the Synod of Bishops
Peter Taeyoung Jung, Seoul
Living an ordinary life in Seoul, I experienced an indescribably profound blessing this past October. For a month, I served as a volunteer videographer at the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, held in the Vatican. This experience was an intense journey of faith, so much so that I am still processing its significance. Yet, even amidst this reflection, there are certain realizations I have already come to cherish and would like to share.
The first is the beauty that God reveals. During my month in the Vatican, I found myself repeatedly thinking, “This is beautiful.” It wasn’t just the grandeur of the basilicas or the magnificence of sacred art—though these were breathtaking in their own right. What touched me most deeply were moments such as witnessing the delegates in the Paul VI Hall listening intently to the Holy Spirit and to one another; seeing the Pope and the Synod participants unite in prayer for church unity with candles in hand at the Martyrs’ Square; and sharing tearful goodbyes and heartfelt prayers with my colleagues from the Synod Secretariat’s Communications Team on our last day together. In all these moments, God revealed Himself through beauty.

The second profound realization was the universality of God, who is present everywhere and with everyone. During the month, I stayed at a lodging facility within a seminary located just beside the Vatican. Each evening, about 30 of us—including delegates and volunteers—would gather to reflect on our day, share stories of our faith journeys, and discuss the challenges faced by our church communities. Through these conversations, I could see how God approaches people in countless ways across the globe, making Himself known in diverse and unique ways.
Back in my daily life in Seoul, I have often asked myself what my favorite moment during this experience was. Surprisingly, the answer wasn’t the breathtaking view from my room overlooking St. Peter’s Basilica, the rosary prayers with the Pope, or the incredible pilgrimages across Rome. Instead, what stands out the most were the moments of prayer when I felt God’s love so vividly. Even more astonishing is that this experience of His love continues now, here in the quiet of my room in Seoul. The same God who was with me in the Vatican remains with me here and now.

During the Synod, I had the privilege of producing a video for the Archdiocese of Seoul’s social media channels, featuring Archbishop Peter Chung Soon-taek. In the video, he invited everyone to join “the synodal journey, walking together towards God.” His powerful and heartfelt voice still echoes in my ears. Likewise, Pope Francis, the global Catholic Church, and the final document of the Synod of Bishops extend the same invitation. Inspired by their message, I am determined to continue living the synodal journey with joy and enthusiasm, embracing this path together with others.